Do Siberian burial mounds in general and Tobolsk in particular deserve scientific research?

  Golodnikov, Kapiton Mikhailovich      
Do Siberian burial mounds in general and Tobolsk in particular merit scientific research? / [op.] K. Golodnikova. - Tobolsk: Typography of the Tobolsk provincial government, 1879. - 24 p. -
At the end of the text avt .: member Zap.-Sib. ord. Imp. Geogr. Islands K. Golodnikov.
Without the tit. l .. - Ex. Tobolsk GIAMZ with a sticker: Library of Tobolsk Provincial Statistical Committee .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Archeology - Siberia.
BBK 63.48 (253)
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen OMB
Original storage: Tobolsky GIAMZ
Publisher Типография Тобольского губернского правления
Catalogue object