Star Atlas for Celestial Observations

  Messer, Yakov Yegorovich      
Star Atlas for Celestial Observations: two common maps of the northern and southern skies and 26 special maps of the stars visible with a simple eye to 35 degrees of south declination with the designation of variables and binary stars, star heaps and foggy spots: With explanations. text and ... Fig. in the text / comp., drew and described Jacob Messer. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional. - St. Petersburg: the publication of K. Ricker, 1901. - XIX, 260 pp., [28] f. kart. : ill. ; 22 .
1. Open space (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Astronomy - Atlases.
ББК 22.6я61
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The place where the original was stored: SZMOO FC
Publisher издание К. Риккера
Catalogue object