News and scientific notes of the Imperial Kazan University. G. 50 1883 (Sept. / Dec.)

      Kazan Imperial University.
News and scientific notes of the Imperial Kazan University. - Part 1, book. 1 1821 - Part 39, book. 9 - 12 1833; [G. 1] 1834, book. 1 - G. 84 1917, book. 9 ; T. 85, book. 1 1925. - Kazan: The Imperial University, 1865-1883. -
By: 1821-1833 The Kazan Gazette, published at the Imperial Kazan University; 1834-1861 Scientific notes issued by the Imperial Kazan University; 1862-1864, 1884-1917 The book. 2 Scientific notes of the Imperial Kazan University; 1865-1883 Izvestia and scientists of the Imperial Kazan University; 1884 T. 20 Izvestiya of the Kazan Imperial University; 1917, book. 3 / 4-10 / 12 Scientific notes of Kazan University; T. 85, book. 1 (1925) - T. 90, book. 5/6 (1930); T. 95, book. 1 (1935) - T. 115, book. 5 (1955) Scientific notes of the Kazan State University named after VI Ulyanov-Lenin; T. 91, book. [...] (1931) - T. 94, book. 8 (1934); T. 116, book. 6 (1956) - book. 7 (1957); T. 118, book. 1 (1958) - T. 130, book. 4 (1972) Scientific notes; T. 115, book. 6 - T. 116, book. 5, book. 8 (1956) - Т. 117, кн. 10 (1957) Scientific notes of the Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Ulyanov-Lenin State University; Т. 131 (1995) - Т. 134 (1998) -140 (2000) Scientific notes (on the region of the Scientist's notes of the Kazan State University); T. 141 (2001) - Scientific notes of Kazan State University.
The content of the material in the issues is distributed to departments: medical sciences, historical and philological sciences, jurisprudence, physics and mathematics, [and others].
. since 1821
The index of articles, placed in the "Scientific notes of Kazan University" for 1834-1872 inclusive (XVI p.) in the journal: "Izvestiya Imperial Kazan University" for 1872 [T. 8] (1873). - The contents of the "Scientific Notes" for the previous 30 years from 1834 to 1863 inclusive in the journal: "Scientific notes of the Imperial Kazan University" 1865 T. 1. S. V-XVIII. - Index of articles placed in the "Scientific notes of Kazan University" for the years 1834-1878 inclusive (41 p.) In the journal: "Izvestia i Uchenye zapiski Imperatorskogo Kazanskoi universiteta". 1879, No. 1 (Jan. / Feb.). - It turns out instead: Kazan news. - In the years 1865-1883. The scientific notes were published jointly with Izvestia, but with separate title pages and pagination. In 1872, due to the delay ed. News and Scholarly notes came out separately. Since 1884 Izvestia began to be published separately. .
1. Kazan Imperial University - Research work - Periodicals. 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. The people (the collection). 4. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 5. Scientific journals - Russia - 19 - beginning. 20th centuries.
BBC 63.3 (28-8Kaz) 522-7y52
BBK 95.4
D. 50 1883 (Sept. / Dec.). - 1883 - [613] p. Sec. pag. : tab. -
Contents: Minutes of the council meetings in 1882 (September-December). Extract from the minutes of the Council for 1883 (January-May). Diary of the Kazan Society of Doctors in 1883. Nos. 21-24. Joseph Dobrovsky. His life, scholarly literary works and merits for Slavic studies (ending) / [op.] IA Snegirev. A few words about the response of Mr. Kanonnikov to my comments / RA Kolly, [and others] .
E-copy source: PB
Storage location: SPbSU
Publisher Императорский университет