Legal investigation of the place belonging to the court, the judiciary, the judicial office, the petition and evidence of the ju...

Dilthey, Philip Heinrich (1723-1781).    
The legal investigation of the place belonging to the court, the judicial authority, the judicial office, the petition and the judicial evidence: With the General Regulations, with the statute of the Chief Magistrate, and with the instructions of the city magistrates, the verbal court, and the guild, with the same old and new customs with their confirmation and with the instructions of the Commerce Board with all decent decrees everywhere, / Compiled in favor of students of jurisprudence in the Moscow imp. university. From Philip Hendrich Dilthey both rights of the doctor of the same and history in the Imp. Moscow University of Public and Ordinary Professors, the Mainz Academy of Useful Sciences and various others, such as the Free Economic and Russian Voluntary Assembly, a member and sworn advocate of the Passavian Consistory, in Vienna. - [Moscow]: Printed at the Imperial Moscow University, [in N. Novikov], 1779. - [12], 1-152, 152-209 [= 210] p. ; 4. -
On the title page: "Introduction to the Russian law with a theoretical and practical explanation."
The title page and the text are parallel in Latin and Russian .
1. Right (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. Right - Theory - Russia.
BBK 67.3 (2)
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher Печатано при Императорском Московском университете, [у Н. Новикова]
Catalogue object