Gedrimovich, Gertrude Vasilyevna (1929-).
Information support of the economy: a practical training manual / GV Gedimovich; Intern. un-t business and new technologies (in-t). - 2 nd ed., Dobar. - Yaroslavl: MUBINT, 2006. - 99 p. : ill. - List of references: p. 98-99 (17 titles). . - 150 copies. - ISBN 5-93002-138-4
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1. The people (the collection). 2. Higher educational institutions - Innovative activity - Russian Federation - Educational editions for higher educational institutions. 3. Economics - Information support - Educational publications for higher educational institutions. |
BBK 74.484.4y73 ББК 65.03 (2) 6я73
Source of electronic copy: PB Place of origin: From private collection |