Information disputes in connection with improper advertising in the media and film production

Morgun, Albina Viktorovna (Candidate of Legal Sciences).    
Information disputes in connection with improper advertising in the media and film production: the author's abstract of the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Juridical Sciences: specialty 12.00.13 / Morgun Albina; [Nats. Issled. un. "Higher School of Economics"]. - Moscow, 2014. - 27 pp. -
Location of protection: National. Issled. un-t "Higher School of Economics." - Bibliography: p. 24 (4 items).
. - ISBN 150 .
1. Power (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Information law. 4. Advertising - Legal regulation - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations.
ББК 67.401.114я031
Source of the electronic copy: HSE. Website
ISBN 150
Catalogue object