Mordovin, Pavel Aleksandrovich (-1907).
Historical contact between Russia and North America on naval issues / [Pav. Mordovin]. - [St. Petersburg, 1885]. - 34 seconds. ; 21 cm. - The author is listed at the end of the text. From the "Sea Collection" 1885, No. 10. - Without title page and cover.
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1. United States of America. Navy - Mutual relations - Russia - 19th century .. 2. Russia. Navy - Relationships - United States of America - 19th century .. 3. Power (collection). 4. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 5. Russia-the United States: from the history of relationships (collection). |
BBC 63.3 (2) 522-64 BBK 63.3 (71) -64 BBK 68.53-1
An electronic copy source: RSL Location of original copy: РГБ |