History of foreign culture. T. 2

Gottenroth, Frederick (1840-?).    
The history of foreign culture: clothing, household utensils, field and military tools of peoples of ancient and new times: T. 1-2 / [composition] F. Gottenroth; translation from German. - 2nd edition. - St. Petersburg; Moscow: publication of the suppliers of His Imperial Majesty, the partnership of M.O. Wolf, 1911. - 2 tons; 30 cm. -
Bibliography: "Sources" at the end of each volume.
1. The people (the collection). 2. Culture - History. 3. Ethnography - History.
ББК 63.5-4
ББК 63.3 (0) -7
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the book: Cultural and historical foundation "The connection of times". The Faberge Museum
T. 2 / translation from the German E. Shchepotyev. - [1911]. - [4], 240 s., 120 l. yl. : ill. -
Contains sections: Germanic peoples (before 1200); Romance peoples (before 1200); Germanic peoples (from 1200 to the end of the Middle Ages); Romance peoples. - Index of drawing tables: p. 227-236. - Index of pictures in the text: p. 237-238.
I. Schepot'ev, E. 1. The people (the collection). 2. Culture - History. 3. Ethnography - History.
ББК 63.3 (0) -7
ББК 63.5-4
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the book: Cultural and historical foundation "The connection of times". The Faberge Museum
Publisher издание поставщиков Его Императорского Величества товарищество М. О. Вольфа
Catalogue object