The history of the nineteenth century from the time of the Congress of Vienna. T. 1. [I. Restoration of the Bourbons. II. The Co...

  Gervinus, Georg Gottfried  (1805-1871).    
The history of the nineteenth century from the time of the Congress of Vienna / [Op.] G. Gervinus; trans. Ed. M. Antonovich. - Petersburg: the edition of OI Bakst, 1873-1888 . - 23 cm
T. 1: [I. Restoration of the Bourbons; II. The Congress of Vienna; III. Reactions from 1815 to 1820. 1, 2, Mental motion, preceding the reaction. Austria]. - 1873. - [2], IV, 431 p. -
С. I-IV: dedication F.H. Schlosser .
1. The Vienna Congress - 1814 - 1815. 2. Russia and the World (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. General history - 19th century .. 5. France - History - Restoration of the Bourbons - 1815 - 1830. 6. Austria - History - 19th century ..
ББК 63.3 (0) 52
ББК 63.3 (4) 52
E-copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher издание О. И. Бакста
Catalogue object