The history of the migration of Russian Germans in the 90s XX - the beginning of the XXI century (the example of the Kursk, Orel...

Afanasyeva, Anastasia Vladislavovna    
The history of the migration of Russian Germans in the 90s XX - the beginning of the XXI century (on the example of the Kursk, Orel and Tula regions): the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences: specialty 07.00.02 "Patriotic History": protected 12.11.2009 / Afanasyeva Anastasia Vladislavovna; Kursk State Technical University. - Kursk, 2009. - 247 with. : ill. -
List of references: p. 175-206 and in the footnotes.
1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Russia-Germany: from the history of relationships (collection). 4. Russian history. 5. Population - Migration - Russian Federation - Theses. 6. Germans - Russian Federation - Theses.
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