History of Peter the Great. T. 3

Bergman, Veniamin Gustavovich (1772-1856).    
The history of Peter the Great: [in 6 volumes] / the composition of Benjamin Bergman; translation from German Yegor Aladin. - 2nd, compressed (compact) edition, corrected and multiplied. - St. Petersburg: publication of the book seller Vasily Polyakov, 1840-1841. - 23 centimeters .
I. Aladin, Yegor Vasilyevich (1796-1860) .1. Peter I (the emperor of Russia, 1672 - 1725). 2. Power (collection). 3. House of the Romanovs (collection). 4. Russia in the Face (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 511-8
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen 'ONB
Location on the original: Тюменская ОНБ
T. 3: with a portrait of Count Patkul. - 1840. - [4], 157 p. : portr. .
1. Peter I (the emperor of Russia, 1672 - 1725). 2. Power (collection). 3. Russia in the faces (collection). 4. House of the Romanovs (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 511-8
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen 'ONB
Location on the original: Тюменская ОНБ
Publisher издание книгопродавца Василия Полякова
Catalogue object