The history of enlightenment (scholarship?), In the Imperial Moscow University by Mr. Johann Gottfried Reichel, public ordinary ...

  Reichel, Johann Gottfried  (1727-1778).    
The history of enlightenment (scholarship?), In the Imperial Moscow University by Mr. Johann Gottfried Reichel, public ordinary professor, first librarian, Academic Conference secretary, in [public] lectures August 13, 1773 - June 23, 1774 stated = Historia Eruditionis, in Universitate Caesarea Moscuensi a domino Johanne Godofredo Reichel, professore PO, bibliotheca primario, conventus Academici secretario, in [publicis] (?) Lectionibus 13 d. aug [...] 1773 - 23 d. junij 1774 e [xpo] sita: [manuscript of the second half of the 18th century. (1770s) in Latin]. - Electron. text dan. (522 files: 562 MB). - (Petrozavodsk: National Library of the Republic of Karelia, 2008). - 522 files (257 h.): Color. -
An electronic copy of the original kept in the collections of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia: the history of enlightenment (scholarship?), At the Imperial University of Moscow by Mr. Johann Gottfried Reichel, the [former] professor, the first librarian, the Academic Conference secretary, in [public] (?) lectures August 13, 1773 - June 23, 1774 stated: [the manuscript of the second half of the 18th century. (1770s) in Latin]. [Moscow, 1774 (?) G.]. 257 liters. 4˚ (20.8 x 15.6). The binding is new: the fly leaf is glued from two sheets of white and colored paper. The electronic version of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia is available on the website. Access mode:
The manuscript consists of an introduction and two parts containing, in turn, respectively 8 and 6 chapters. Chapters are devoted to individual sciences (eg, Part 1, Chapter 2 - "De Philologia et linguis" [ll.21-66 vol.], Part 1, Chapter 4 - De eruditione generali seu Philosophia "(p.141 v.-176 vol.), Part 1, Chapter 5 -" De Mathesi "[" On mathematical knowledge "] (f. 176 ob.-182), Part 1, Chapter 6 - "De Theologia" ["About theology"] (l.182 ob.), Part 1, Chapter 7 - "De juris scientia" ["On the legal science "] (p.183-207), part 2, chapter 8 -" De Arte Medica "[" About the science of healing "] (L.207-212 v.), etc.), and questions general education (for example, Part 2, Chapter 3 - "De eruditis et librorum auctoribus generatim" ["On scientists and authors of books in general"] (p.225-230 v.), Part 2, Chapter 4 - De libris generatim spectatis " ["On Excellent Books in General"] (p.231-242 vol.), Part 2, Chapter 5 - "De officinis litterariis, scholis, Academiis et Universitatibus" ["About the breeding grounds of schools, academies and universities"] 242 vols-246 vol.), Part 2, Chapter 6 - "De Bibliothecis" ["About the libraries"] (p.246 v-251), etc.). - Ex. NBR Karelia on p.1 the owner's record: "Pertinet ad studiosum Jgnatium Jvanov" ["Belongs to student Ignatius Ivanov"] .BB Manuscript of the middle - second half of the 1770s. (1774 (?) G.). Type of letter: civil letter. - The materials of the site of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia are used. For a complete description, see "Handwritten Books" ( .
1. National Library of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk, city) - Collection of manuscripts. 2. Moscow University - History - 18th c. - Documents and materials. 3. The people (the collection). 4. Science - History. 5. Russian manuscripts - 18th century ..
ББК 72.3я01
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Karelia
Location on the secret of the original: НБ Респ. Karelia
Catalogue object