To the history of the Buryat-Mongols-Khorinians of the first half of the XIX century

Girchenko, Vladimir Petrovich (1878-1954).    
To the history of the Buryat-Mongols-Khorinians of the first half of the XIX century / VP Girchenko; Buryat-Mongolian Scientific Committee and Buryat-Mongolian Scientific Society. D. Banzarova. - Verkhneudinsk: Gostop. NKPT, 1928. - 19 p. ; 22. -
Without tit. l. Described by the cover.
I. Buryat-Mongolian Scientific Committee. II. Buryat-Mongolian Scientific Society named after Dorji Banzarov.1. Territory (collection). 2. The Republic of Buryatia: pages of history (collection). 3. The peoples of Buryatia - Historical and ethnographic research.
BBC 63.521 (= 64)
BBK 63.3 (2Ros.Bur) 521
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Buryatia
Location on
bulletins: НБ Респ. Buryatia
Publisher Гостип. НКПТ
Catalogue object