How to write a critic in the "Orthodox Review"

  Barsov, Nikolay Ivanovich  (1839-1903).    
How to write a critic in the "Orthodox Review" / [op.] Prof. N. Barsova. - St. Petersburg: Typical lithography of VG Apostolov, 1886. - 29 p. ; 21 cm. -
Bibliograf. in a substring. note. .
1. History of the primitive Christian preaching (until the IV century). 1885 - Reviews. Barsov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1839-1903). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Early Christian preaching.
BBK 86.37
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Location on
archive: РГБ
Publisher Типо-литография В. Г. Апостолова
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