Letters from Alexander Dmitrievich Balashev, Governor-General of Ryazan, to NM Karamzin on March 17, 1816 and May 27, 1825, with...

Identifier 17942947-9e2b-4afa-a014-81184203252d
Title Letters from Alexander Dmitrievich Balashev, Governor-General of Ryazan, to NM Karamzin on March 17, 1816 and May 27, 1825, with a request to comment on the construction of the monument to Dmitry Donskoi and with the transfer of the Order awarded to N. M. Karamzin
Dates 1816
Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number 10
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series 1816-1847 years.
Extent 2 листа
Creator "Куликово поле", государственный военно-исторический и природный музей-заповедник
Fonds Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766-1826), writer, historian
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