A copy of the encrypted telegram of Frederiks to the Minister of War, handed over to Stolypin, about the dispatch to Finland of ...

  Stolypin, Petr Arkadevich  (1862-1911).    
A copy of the encrypted telegram of Frederiks to the Minister of War, handed over to the last Stolypin, about the dispatch to Finland of the Ataman Regiment of the Life Guards [Case]: Sep. 1909 - 1909. - 3 years .. - (Fund Stolypin Petr Arkadevich (1862-1911), Minister of Internal Affairs, Chairman of the Council of Ministers.) Inventory No. 1) .
1. Stolypin, Peter Arkadevich (1862 - 1911) - Correspondence. 2. Ataman Life Guards Regiment - Documents and materials. 3. PA Stolypin: to the 150th anniversary of his birth (collection). 4. Russia in the faces (collection). 5. Power (collection). 6. Russia - Foreign Policy - Finland - early. 20 cent. - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (2) 53-64y11
BBK 68.35 (2) 5y11
Documents of official activity of PA Stolypin on the post of prime minister.
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the paper: РГИА Ф. 1. D. 109
Catalogue object