Mordovtsev's message, made in the Society for benefits to needy writers and scientists, about the historical satire of NI Kostom...

Identifier 69cdcd07-3e1a-40f5-b877-a6f8c5b96632
Title Mordovtsev's message, made in the Society for benefits to needy writers and scientists, about the historical satire of NI Kostomarov on the opera "The Prophet", written by the author in a letter in 1870 (the text of satire is attached)
Dates 1905

Заголовок на обложке дела: Статьи неустановленных авторов "Историческая сатира Н. И. Костомарова"


Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1603 / 2 / 13
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series 1858-1911
Extent 1 лист
Fonds Kostomarov Nikolai Ivanovich (1817-1885), historian, writer, professor of the Kiev and Petersburg universities
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