A letter from Nikolai I. Kostomarov to Mikhail Ivanovich [Semevsky] about the reference of "Kudeyar" to the magazine "Herald of ...

Identifier 2f5cb775-0cc0-4c54-a201-d7defc557a79
Title A letter from Nikolai I. Kostomarov to Mikhail Ivanovich [Semevsky] about the reference of "Kudeyar" to the magazine "Herald of Europe" (in jocular form)
Dates 1875
Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number 5
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series 1858-1911
Extent 2 листа
Fonds Kostomarov Nikolai Ivanovich (1817-1885), historian, writer, professor of the Kiev and Petersburg universities
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