Brief geography for two-year urban and rural schools

  Salgan , AT.      
Brief geography for two-year urban and rural schools: year 1 [and 2] / under program. M-va people pros. comp. teacher V. Salgan. - Kiev: type. E. T. Kerer, 1880. - 24, 41 p. ; 21. -
Year 2 has a separate department. tit. l. with zagl .: Geography of the Russian Empire .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Geography textbooks (collection). 3. Geography - Educational publications.
ББК 26.89 (0) я7
ББК 26.82я7
Source of electronic copy: ПБ
Location on the secret of the original: РГБ
Publisher тип. Е. Т. Керер
Catalogue object