Brief historical essay of Manchuria

Menshikov, PN    
A short historical essay of Manchuria = A brief sketch of the history of Manchuria / PN Menshikov, an active member of the Society of Russian Orientalists. - Harbin: Typo-lithography of the Zaamur District, 1917. - 44 pp .. - (Bulletin of Asia, G. 9 1917, issue 2 (No. 42). -
A copy of the Transbaikalian KUNB with a stamp: A library library workers and employees of the Main Harbin Workshops Kit. .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Manchuria - History.
BBK 26.89 (5Keet)
BBK 63.3 (5Keet)
Electronic copy source: Zabaikalskaya KUNB
An original storage location: Zabaikalskaya KUNB
Publisher Типо-Литография Заамурского округа
Catalogue object