Lecture of Valery Demidov "Where was SV Rachmaninov born?". [Ch. 2]

  Demidov, Valery Vasilyevich  (local historian).    
Lecture of Valery Vasilyevich Demidov "Where was SV Rachmaninov born?" / operators: Vladimir Yarosh, Tatyana Dyakonova; organizer of the lecture course: Vasily Zvariychuk; director of editing: Tatiana Dyakonova; [Presidential Library. B. N. Yeltsin, Expert Department]. - Electronic data (2 video files). - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2011. -
The system. Requirements: 1 GHz or higher; RAM 512 MB or higher; Windows; Windows Media Player; video adapter; sound. card.
The title from the 3rd frame.
Multimedia electronic publication.
Honored worker of culture of the Russian Federation, teacher of the Novgorod Regional College of Arts named after. S. V. Rakhmaninov, director of the People's Museum of Composers-Countrymen V. V. Demidov devoted his lecture, read in the Russian National Library, to the study of the birthplace of S. V. Rachmaninov. V. V. Demidov analyzes various opinions that have developed in historiography about this issue. The birthplace of the composer is Novgorod, St. Petersburg; Only within the Tambov region is called three geographical points, which can be the birthplace of a musician. VV Demidov pays special attention to the analysis of two versions of the origin of S. V. Rakhmaninov: Onega (Oneg estate near Novgorod) and Semenovskaya (the estate of Semenovo Novgorod province). Turning to a wide range of sources, V. V. Demidov narrates about the life of the composer and the life of his parents. The organizer of the lecture course: Vasily Zvariychuk. Date: 24 November 2010 .
I. Yarosh, Vladimir Mikhailovich (1960-). II. Dyakonova, Tatyana Ivanovna (1965-). III. Zvariychuk, Vasily Stepanovich. IV. The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library. Expert department. 1. Rachmaninov, Sergey Vasilyevich (1873 - 1943) - Biography - Multimedia publications. 2. Semenovo, the estate (Novgorod province) - Videolektsii. 3. Video lectures.
BBK 63.3 (2) 53-8я04
BBK 85.313 (2) i04
[Ch. 2]. - Electronic data (1 video file: 965.9 MB). - 2011. -
Systems. Requirements: 1 GHz or higher; RAM 512 MB or higher; Windows; Windows Media Player; video adapter; sound. card.
Duration: 41 min. 29 s. Cv. with ch.-b. episodes, sound
On the title page: Continuation of V. Demidov's lecture "Where was SV Rachmaninov born?"
Multimedia electronic edition .
1. Rachmaninov, Sergey Vasilyevich (1873 - 1943) - Biography - Multimedia publications. 2. Russia in the faces (collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Semenovo, estate (Novgorod province) - Videolektsii. 5. Video lectures.
BBK 63.3 (2) 53-8я04
BBK 85.313 (2) i04
Electronic copy source: PB
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Publisher Президентская библиотека им. Б. Н. Ельцина
Catalogue object