Lecture by the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, AV Konovalov, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitutio...

Konovalov, Alexander Vladimirovich (statesman, candidate of law, 1968-).    
Lecture by the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, AV Konovalov, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: [video] / State Duma. - Electronic data (1 video file: 1.5 GB). - [Moscow: State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, 2013]. -
Systems. Requirements: 1 GHz or higher; RAM 512 MB or higher; Windows; Windows Media Player; video adapter; sound. card.
Duration: 64 min. 06 sec. Color, sound .
The title from the accompanying document.
On the title shot: To the 20th anniversary of the State Duma. 1993-2013.
Lecture from a series of public lectures delivered in the State Duma dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the history of Russian constitutionalism and state building. Lecturer - Alexander Vladimirovich Konovalov, Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, Acting State Counselor of Justice of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Legal Sciences. The main topics of the lecture were the fundamentals of constitutionalism in the Russian Federation: the Constitution as the Basic Law and the basis of the country's legal system, the Constitution as a condition of important guarantees for the existence of the individual and the Constitution as a declaration of the values ​​of the state and society. A.V. Konovalov also talked about the prospects for reform of the penitentiary system, paid special attention to the formation of moral values ​​in modern Russia, noted the increasing role of law and order .
I. The Russian Federation. The State Duma (2011-). II. Presidential Library. B. N. Yeltsin (St. Petersburg) .1. Russian Federation. Constitution. 1993 - Multimedia publications. 2. Constitution - Basic Law (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. Legal state - Russian Federation - Multimedia publications. 5. Penitentiary system - Russian Federation - Multimedia publications. 6. Video lectures.
BBK 67.400.11 (2Ros) i04
BBK 67.081я04
Source of the electronic copy: Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
Location of original: State Duma of the Russian Federation
Publisher Государственная Дума Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации
Catalogue object