Liza Chaykina

Mikhailov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich (statesman, 1906-1982).    
Lisa Chaykin / N. Mikhailov; [artist S. Rastorguev]. - Moscow: publishing house of the Central Committee of the Komsomol Young Guard, 1942. - 32 p. : il., portraits .. - (Heroes of the Patriotic War) .
I. Rastorguev, Sergei Nikolaevich (1896-1943) .1. Chaikin, Elizaveta Ivanovna (1918 - 1941). 2. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 3. The people (the collection). 4. Russia in the Face (collection).
ББК 63.3 (2) 622
An electronic copy source: PB
An original storage location: Belgorod GUNB
Publisher Издательство ЦК ВЛКСМ "Молодая гвардия"
Catalogue object