Avant-garde literature and power. The Poetics and Politics of the Oberiu Group

Karelin V. M. Avant-Guard Literature and Authorities. Poetics and Politics of the Association for Real Art OBERIU: ... PhD Dissertation. eng
Karelin, Vladislav Mikhailovich    
Avant-garde literature and power. Poetics and politics of OBERIU group: thesis abstract for the degree of Candidate of Philosophy: specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy / Karelin Vladislav Mikhailovich; [Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Humanitarian University"]. - Moscow, 2011. - 22 p. ; 21. -
Bibliography: p. 21-22 (9 items).
1. "OBERIU", a group (Leningrad, city) - Abstracts of dissertations. 2. The people (the collection). 3. St. Petersburg and Russian avant-garde (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 6-37y031
BBK 87.823.223.0y031
Source of electronic copy: RSUH. Site
Location on map of the original: РГГУ. Website
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