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Pogorelaya, Elena Alekseevna (Candidate of Philology).
Love lyrics of Joseph Brodsky in the context of the West European lyrical tradition: the formation of a style: the author's abstract of a thesis for a Candidate's Degree in Philology: specialty 10.01.01 : specialty 10.01.03 / Pogorelaya Elena Alekseevna; [Ros. state. humanitarian. un-t]. - Moscow, 2013. - 26 p. - Location of protection: Ros. state. humanitarian. un-t. - Bibliography: p. 26 (5 titles) and in the footnote. note
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1. Brodsky, Iosif Aleksandrovich (1940-1996). Lyrics - Abstracts of dissertations. 2. Russian language (collection). 3. Russian literature. 4. Literature of the peoples of foreign countries (English). 5. Poetry Western European - 20th century. - Abstracts of Dissertations. |
ББК 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 6-8Бродский, И.А., 445я031 ББК 83.3 (4) 6-453я031
Source of electronic copy: RSUH. Website |