Memorial "Flower of Life". Monument "The Flower of Life"

Gulyakin, Valery Nikolayevich (photographer, 1959-).    
Memorial "Flower of Life". Monument "The Flower of Life" [Izomaterial: electronic resource]: [photo album] / photo by VN Gulyakin. - Electronic graphic data (12 files: 121.1 MB). - Vsevolozhsky District, Leningrad Region, 2013-2014. - (Green Belt of the Glory of Leningrad). -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
Information about the photographs is provided by the author. Date: 20/09/2013 and 05/09/2014.
The album includes 12 photographs of the memorial "Flower of Life": 1. Alley leading to the monument "Flower of Life"; 2. Memorial sign with the inscription "In the Name and Against the War - to the Young Heroes of Leningrad 1941-1944" and the monument "The Flower of Life"; 3-4. Monument "The Flower of Life"; 5. Fragment of the monument "Flower of Life" - a flower with the inscription "Let there always be a Sun"; 6. Memorial sign with the inscription "In the Name and Against the War - to the young heroes of Leningrad 1941-1944" and the birch grove; 7. Monument to the author of memorials of the Green Belt of the Glory of Leningrad Levenkov Alexander Danilovich; 8. Birch grove and a commemorative sign with the inscription "There are 900 birches, there were as many days as there were severe"; 9. Birch with a tied pioneer tie; 10. Birches with tied pioneer ties, in the background - antitank construction; 11. The Birch Grove; 12. General view of the monument "Flower of Life."
The memorial complex "Flower of Life" is dedicated to the children of the besieged Leningrad. The memorial consists of three parts: the monument "Flower of Life", made by the sculptor P. Melnikov, the Friendship Alley (architect A.Levenkov's project) and the funeral mound "Diary of Tanya Savicheva" with eight stelae-pages, symbolizing the notes from the diary-notebook Tanya Savicheva ( architects M. Koman, G. Fetisov, A. Levenkov). Monument "Flower of Life" is made in the form of 15-meter daisy. The petals of the flower depict a smiling boy in a pioneer tie and the words of the famous song "Let There Always Be a Sun". Opened in 1968. Memorial complex "Flower of Life" is included in the "Green Belt of Glory of Leningrad", passing along the line of two defense rings of the city of 1941, along the lines of battles .
1. "Flower of Life", memorial complex (Leningrad region) - Photographs. 2. "The Green Belt of the Glory of Leningrad", the memorial complex (Leningrad region) - Photographs. 3. Territory (collection). 4. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 5. Territory of Russia: Leningrad region (collection). 6. Leningrad region: pages of history (collection). 7. "The Road of Life" - 1941 - 1943 - Photographs. 8. Documentary photographs.
ББК 63.3 (2) 622я611
Source of electronic copy: From private collection
Place for keeping the original: From private collection
Catalogue object