Pray to God for us .... Part 1

Pray to God for us ...: [documentary: at 2 o'clock] / Film studio "National Film Center", Feder. Agency for Culture and Cinematography; aut. script, director, cameraman: Alexey Ilyukhin; producer: Sergey Zernov. - [Moscow]: The National Film Center, 2008
Part 1. - Electron. Dan. (1 video file: 389 MB). -
Duration: 31 minutes and 13 seconds.
1. Power (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. The church and the state - the USSR - 1920 - 1930s. - Multimedia publications. 4. Political repression - the USSR - 1930th - early. 1950's. - Multimedia editions.
ББК 63.3 (2) 61-37я04
The source of the electronic copy: JSC "CNF"
Location on the original: ОАО "ЦНФ"
Publisher Центр национального фильма
Catalogue object