Marine collection. T. 401, No. 8

Marine collection: Journal of the Navy - T 1, No. 1/2 (1848) - T 416, No. 12 (1920); No. 1/2 - 7/12 (1921); Г 75, № 1/2 (1922) - Г 84 № 4 (1931); G 14, No. 5 (1931) - G 53 (123), No. 12 (1970); No. 1 (1971) - No. 12 (1988); 1 (1706) (1989) - - St. Petersburg, 1848- -
Title: T 1, No. 1/2 (1848) - T 399, No. 4 (1917) A marine collection published by the Marine Scientific Committee; T 411, No. 1 (1920) - 2011, 2 (1967) Marine collection; 2011, 3 (1968) - Maritime Collection = Collected naval issues
Subtitle: T 1, No. 1/2 (1848) - T 8 No. 12 (1852) Published from the Marine Scientific Committee; T 9, No. 1 (1853) - T 50, No. 12 (1860) Published by the Marine Scientific Committee; t 50, No. 13 (1860) - T 87, No. 12 (1866) Published under the supervision of the Marine Scientific Committee; T 88, No. 1 (1867) - T 212, No. 1 (1886) Published under the supervision of the Scientific Department of the Marine Technical Committee; T 212, No. 2 (1886) - T 246, No. 12 (1891) Published under the supervision of the Marine Scientific Committee; T 247, No. 1 (1892) - T 366, No. 9 (1911) Published under the supervision of the Main Naval Staff; T 366, No. 10 (1911) - T 399, No. 4 (1917) Published under the supervision of the Naval General Staff; T 411, No. 1 (1920) - 1931 No. 4 The Naval Scientific Journal; 1931 No. 5 - 1932 No. 1 Scientific journal of the naval forces of the Red Army; 1932 No. 2 - 1934 No. 12 Naval and military-political journal Body of the Naval Forces of the Red Army; 1935 No. 1 - 1936 No. 8 Naval and military-political magazine Body of the Naval Forces of the Red Army; 1936 No. 9 - 1937 No. 4 Naval Journal Body for the Control of Marine Forces of the Red Army; 1938 No. 1 - 1939 No. 2 Naval Journal Organ of the People's Commissariat of the Navy of the USSR; 1939 No. 3 - 1946 No. 3 Body of the People's Commissariat of the Navy of the USSR; 1946 No. 4/5 - 1950 No. 2, 1953 No. 4 - 1955 No. 12 Journal of the Navy; 1950 No. 3 - 1953 No. 3 Body of the Naval Ministry of the USSR; 1956 No. 1 - 1958 No. 12 Journal of the Navy; 1959 No. 1 - 1989 No. 2 (1707), 4 (1709) - 1992 No. 2 (1743) Journal of the Navy of the USSR; 1989 No. 3 (1708) Monthly Journal of the Navy of the USSR; 1992 № 3 (1744) - Journal of the Navy (1992 No. 4, 8/9 Journal of the Navy of the USSR)
Place of publication: T 1, No. 1/2 (1848) - T 383, No. 8 ( 1914) St. Petersburg; T 384, No. 9 (1914) - 1923, No. 12 Petrograd; 1924 No. 1 - 1946 No. 12 L; 1947 No. 1 - Moscow
Publisher: T 416, No. 12 (1920) - 1922, No. 3/4 State Publishing House, Department of Military Literature of the RVSR; 1937, No. 3 - 1946 No. 11/12 Military Publishing Office (in the part no. - Voenmorizdat); 1947, No. 1 - 1950 No. 2 Military Publishing House of the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the USSR; 1950 No. 3 - 1950 No. 7 Military Publishing House of the Military Ministry of the USSR; 1950 No. 8 - 1953 No. 3 Naval Publishing House of the Naval Ministry of the USSR; 1953 No. 4 Naval Publishing House; 1953 No. 5 - 1963 No. 12 Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR; 1964 No. 1 - 2007 "The Red Star"
Published since March 1848
Appendices: "Medical additions to the Sea Collection" (St. Petersburg, 1861-1911); Free attachment to the issue of the "Sea Collection": [articles of a technical nature] (1913-1919) - ISSN 0134-9236
I Russia Maritime Ministry Scientific Committee II Russia Maritime Technical Committee Scientific Division III Russia Maritime General Staff IV Russia Maritime General Staff V USSR Naval Forces of the Red Army VI USSR People's Commissariat of the Navy VII USSR Naval Ministry VIII Russian Federation Ministry defense1 Russia Navy - Periodicals 2 USSR Navy - Periodicals 3 Russian Federation Navy - Periodicals
ББК 6853 (2Рос) я52
ББК 6835 (2) я52
T 401, No. 8 / Bp and d editor - Lieutenant A Holodnyak - 1917 - 157 s: il, pl -
In the output: Petrograd: Printing house of the Naval Ministry, in the Main Admiralty
From the content: Russian official reports on War (from 91-118) Foreign Review / In E (from 119-139) Essays on World War at Sea / In Novitsky (from 141-157), and other materials - Bibliography in footnotes
I Holodnyak, Alexey Ivanovich (1891-) 1 The people (collection) 2 The power (collection) 3 Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection) 4 The First World War (collection)
Electronic copy source: PB
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