At the Berlin Conference of the Heads of Governments of the USSR, Great Britain and the United States of America // Red Fleet. N...

At the Berlin Conference of the Heads of Governments of the USSR, Great Britain and the United States of America: a photo of the special correspondent of Izvestia S. Gurarii. -
In the photo: VM Molotov, I. V. Stalin, Mr. Truman and Mr. K. Attlee.
// The Red Fleet. - No. 179 (2054) (1 August). - 1945. - P. 1 .
I. Gurarii, Samarij Mihajlovich (the photographer, 1916-1998) .1. Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich (1879 - 1953) - Photographs. 2. Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich (1890 - 1986) - Photographs. 3. Truman, Harry (1884 - 1972) - Photographs. 4. Attlee, Clement Richard (1883 - 1967) - Photographs. 5. Conference of the three Powers-USSR, USA and Great Britain (Berlin, Germany, 1945) - Photographs. 6. Soviet-Japanese War of 1945 (collection). 7. Soviet-Japanese War - 1945 - Periodicals.
ББК 63.3 (2) 622-68я54
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