On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020

    Russian Federation. President (2008-2012; DA Medvedev).
On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020: Decree No. 537 of the President of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2009 - Moscow, 2009. - 2, 34 pages. -
Signed at the end of the text: President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev
Place and date of signing: Moscow, the Kremlin on May 12, 2009.
Electronic version of the right act (36 files, 300 dpi, JPEG, 60, 2 MB).
The Decree is attached: The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020: approved by Presidential Decree No. 537 of May 12, 2009. - Published in: , art. 2444 .
1. Power (collection). 2. Chronicle of the formation of the institution of presidential power in the Russian Federation (collection). 3. National security - Strategic management - Russian Federation - Legal acts. 4. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.
ББК 67.401.131-32ю1
ББК 67.401.132-32ю1
Source of the electronic copy: President of Russia. Official site
Catalogue object