On the establishment of a school of translators of the Manchu and Mongolian languages ​​at the Urgin Consulate

      Russia. Department of Laws.
On the establishment of the School of Translators of the Manchu and Mongolian Languages ​​at the Urginian Consulate [Case]: April 27 - October 12, 1881 - 1881. - 19 sheets, 1 insert sheet. - (Fund of the Department of Laws of the State Council, Inventory No. 9). -
Original title of the case: State Council of the Department of Laws case on the establishment of a school of translators of the Manchu and Mongolian languages ​​at the Urginian Consulate: May 5 - October 12, 1881.
Handwritten, printed text, with litters. Ink.
The case contains documents related to the establishment at the Urgna Consulate of the school of translators of the Manchu and Mongolian language: the attitude and note of the Minister of the Interior, MT Loris-Melikov, with the annex of the draft charter and the state of the Urgin school and other materials .
I. Department of Laws. 1. Power (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Russian language (collection). 4. Territory (collection). 5. Translators - Preparation - History - Russia - Documents and materials. 6. Mongolian language - Teaching - Russia - Documents and materials. 7. Manchu language - Teaching - Russia - Documents and materials. 8. Mongolia - Relationships - Russia - Documents and materials. 9. Russia - Relations - Mongolia - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (5Mon) 5y11
ББК 81.654.1-99ю11
ББК 81.64.1-99ю11
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1149. Op. 9. D. 60.
Catalogue object