Providing the system of internal affairs with a systematic approach to the study and prevention of organized crime

Ivantsov, Sergey Vyacheslavovich    
Providing the system of internal affairs with a systematic approach to the study and prevention of organized crime: monograph: scientific specialty 12.00.08 "Criminal law, criminology, criminal-executive law" / SV Ivantsov; Ed. S. Ya. Lebedev. - Moscow: Law and Law: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 287 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - (Scientific publications for lawyers). -
List of references: p. 284 - 285 and in the footnotes. - ISBN 978-5-238-01715-0 .
I. Lebedev, Semen Yakovlevich (Doctor of Legal Sciences) .1. Right (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. Crime - Fighting it - The bodies of internal affairs.
BBK 67.515
BBK 67.518.4
Source of the electronic copy: National Library Resource
ISBN 978-5-238-01715-0
Publisher Закон и право ЮНИТИ-ДАНА
Catalogue object

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