Visitor reply letter to Goto L.M. Karahanu

  Goto, Simpay  (1857-1929).    
Letter from Viscount Goto to LM Karakhan: March 6, 1925. - Tokyo, 6. Maerz 1925. - L. 10. -
The text on it.
The text begins with the words: Tokyo d. 6. Maerz 1925. Verehrter Herr Botschafter Karakhan! .... At the end of the text, the signature: Vicomte S. Goto.
The typewritten text.
The document from the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Federation .
1. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 2. Convention on the basic principles of relations between the USSR and Japan - Documents and materials. 3. USSR - Relationships - Japan - 1925 - 1945 - Documents and materials. 4. Japan - Relations - USSR - 1925 - 1945 - Documents and materials. 5. USSR - Establishment of diplomatic relations - Japan - 1925 - Documents and materials. 6. Japan - Establishment of diplomatic relations - the USSR - 1925 - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (2) 613-6 (5Japan) 1111 BBC 63.3 (5Japan) 61-6 (2) 1111
Source of electronic copy: WUA of the RF
Location on map of original: WUA of the Russian Federation
Catalogue object