Soviet / Russian attitude to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the late 1940s and early 2000s

Sammoudi Mahmud Younis (Candidate of Historical Sciences).    
USSR / Russia relation to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the late 1940s and early 2000s: the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.02 "Patriotic history": specialty 07.00.15 / Sammoudi Mahmoud Younis; Ros. un-t friendship of peoples. - Moscow, 2009. - 24 p. ; 21. -
Res. in English.
Location of protection: Ros. un-t friendship of peoples. - Bibliography: p. 23-24 (5 titles) and in the footnote. note.
. - 100 copies. .
1. Power (collection). 2. The Russian Federation, ist. science. 3. Palestine, east. science. 4. Israel, ist. science. 5. Patriotic history. 6. History of international relations and foreign policy. 7. Arab-Israeli wars - the 2nd floor. 20 - beginning. 21 centuries. - Abstracts of dissertations. 8. Russian Federation - Foreign Policy - Countries of the Middle East - Abstracts of dissertations. 9. USSR - Foreign Policy - Countries of the Middle East - Abstracts of dissertations.
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