Report on the activities of the Tobolsk community of nursing sisters of the Russian Red Cross .... ... for 1904

      Tobolsk Nicholas community of the Sisters of Mercy of the Red Cross.
Report on the activities of the Tobolsk community of nurses of the Russian Red Cross Society ... - Tobolsk: Provincial Printing Office, 1905-1913. - 25. -
Ver. report for 1912: Report on the activities of the Tobolsk community of nurses of the Red Cross .
1. Tobolsk Nicholas community of the Sisters of Mercy of the Red Cross - Activities - Reports. 2. Medicine - History - Siberia Western - Documents and materials.
BBC 51.1 (28-8Tob), 6l.y54
for the year 1904. - 1905. - 52 p. .
1. The Russian Red Cross Society. Tobolsk Local Administration - Activities - Reports. 2. Tobolsk Nicholas community of sisters of mercy of the Red Cross - Activity - Reports. 3. The people (the collection). 4. Territory (collection). 5. Medicine - History - Siberia Western - Documents and materials.
BBC 51.1 (28-8Tob), 6l.y54
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen OMB
Original storage: Tobolsky GIAMZ
Publisher Губернская типография
Catalogue object