P.A. Stolypin

  Izgoev, Alexander Solomonovich  (1872-1935).    
PA Stolypin: essay on life and work / A. Izgoev. - Moscow: The Book of KF Nekrasov, 1912. - 133 pp., [1] f. front. (portrait); 18. - (Biographical Library No. 1) .
1. Stolypin, Peter Arkadevich (1862 - 1911). 2. Power (collection). 3. Russia in the face (collection). 4. Stolypin: to the 150th anniversary of his birth (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2) 53-8
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: Moscow OGNB
Publisher Кн-во К. Ф. Некрасова
Catalogue object