Memo to identify information about the history of rural settlements of the Penza region

Kuzichkin, Sergey Nikolaevich (1957-).    
Memo to identify information about the history of rural settlements of the Penza region: (according to GAPO documents) / SN Kuzichkin; [the author of the preface V. V. Kondrashin]. - Penza, 2001. - 12, [1] p. : tab. .
I. Kondrashin, Viktor Viktorovich (Doctor of Historical Sciences, 1961-) .1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Penza region (collection). 3. Penza region: pages of history (collection). 4. Human settlements - the Penza region.
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Пен)
Source of electronic copy: From private collection
Location on original: Penzenskaya OB
Catalogue object