A steam locomotive that worked on the Road of Life (railway station Ladoga Lake)

Gulyakin, Valery Nikolayevich (photographer, 1959-).    
A steam locomotive working on the Road of Life (railroad station of Lake Ladoga) [Izomaterial: electronic resource]: [photo album] / photo by VN Gulyakin. - Electronic graphic data (4 files: 37.3 MB). - Railroad. Station Ladoga Lake, Leningrad Region, September 6, 2014. -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
Information about the photographs and the abstract are provided by the author. Date: 06.09.2014.
The album includes 4 photos of the object: 1-3. Steam locomotive of the type Esh-4375 "Komsomolets". On the tender the inscription: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" ; 4. Memorial plaque: "On this steam ship in the period 1941-1942 the youth brigade of the locomotive depot TSh-12 consisting of: the senior engineer Vasily Eliseev (later became Hero of Socialist Labor), the assistant to the engineer Ivan Belyaev, the stoker Boris Aleksandrov as part of the locomotive column delivered 2,121 heavy-weight convoys with 2 million tons of ammunition, fuel and food to the besieged Leningrad and the front.The honor and glory to the heroes of the railway workers for courageous work on the "Road of Life."
To the eternal parking locomotive Esh-4375 "Komsomolets" It was installed on Lake Ladoga station on May 7, 1975 near the railway kilometer column 47/46 km.The steam engine was built in Sweden in 1923 at the Nyudqvist and Holm plant according to the drawings of the Lugansk plant (architect VI Kuznetsov). Ladoga drove evacuated residents of the besieged city, brought back food and ammunition, and in 1943 the locomotive was sent to Moscow for repairs and was not returned to the road. On the initiative of public organizations in 1969, the locomotive tracked down and delivered to Leningrad-Finland depot the engineer VA Aledin .
1. "Komsomolets", locomotive - Photos. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 4. Territory of Russia: Leningrad region (collection). 5. Leningrad region: pages of history (collection). 6. "The Road of Life" - 1941 - 1943 - Photographs. 7. Documentary photographs.
ББК 63.3 (2) 622я611
Source of electronic copy: From private collection
Place for keeping the original: From private collection
Catalogue object