Translation of the speech delivered by the envoy of Japan to Russia, Enomoto Takeaki, when they presented their credentials to E...

Translation of the speech delivered by the envoy of Japan to Russia, Enomoto Takeaki, when they presented their credentials to Emperor Alexander II [Document]: July 6, 1873 - 1873. - L. 28-29. - (Fund St. Petersburg Chief Archive, I-9. Inventory No. 8, 1873, D. 18, Part I). -
Ver. before the text: Translation of the speech of the Emperor of Japan to be uttered by an audience with His Majesty the Emperor.
Written handwriting, ink, text on both sides of the sheet.
Document from the Foreign Policy Archive of the Russian Empire .
1. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 2. Japan - Mutual relations - Russia - 19th century. - Documents and materials. 3. Russia - Relations - Japan - 19th century. - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (2) 522-64y1
BBK 63.3 (5Japan) 5-64y1
Source of electronic copy: WUA RI
Location on the original: АВП РИ Ф. СПб. GA, I-9 Op. 8, 1873, D. 18, part I, l. 28-29
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