Peterhof. The Palace Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

Bianchi, Ivan Karlovich (photographer, 1811-1893).    
Peterhof. The Palace Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul [Izomaterial: electronic resource]: [photo]. - Electronic data (3 files, 300 dpi, JPEG: 45.2 MB). - (St. Petersburg: Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014). -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
The photo in the lower right corner of the autograph: "Peterhof, 1854. J. Bianchi photog.".
Used materials from the publication: Ivan Bianchi - the first painter of Petersburg: exhibition catalog / [compiled by: Yu. B. Demidenko, AA Kitaev]. - St. Petersburg, 2005. - P. 105.
Electronic reproduction of I. Bianchi's photo "Peterhof, Palace Church in the Name of St. Peter and St. Paul". 1854. Imprint on salty paper, coloring with watercolor. 19.7 x 34.3 cm (43.3 x 64 cm substrate). The electronic reproduction reproduces a separate image of the photo and an image of the photo on the substrate.
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The Palace Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Peterhof is designed by the architect F.-B. Rastrelli in the years 1747-1751. .
1. The Great Peterhof Palace. Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul - Photos. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: St. Petersburg, city (collection). 4. St. Petersburg: pages of history (collection). 5. Architectural photographs.
BBC 63.3 (2-2SPB) 521.2y611
BBK 85.118.25y611
BBK 86.372.24-655.1y611
Source of electronic copy: PB
Place of origin: From private collection
Catalogue object