Victory of Soviet athletes at the XII Winter Olympic Games in Innsbruck

The victory of Soviet athletes at the XII Winter Olympic Games in Innsbruck [Izomaterial: electronic resource]: postal block / Fig. E. Aniskina. - Electronic data (1 file: 788 KB). - (St. Petersburg: Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2013). -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
The title and background information are established by the source: Catalog of USSR postage stamps, 1918-1980: [2 t.]. T. 2: (1970-1980). 140.
Electronic reproduction of the postal block: Victory of Soviet athletes at the XII Winter Olympic Games in Innsbruck [Izomaterial] / Fig. E. Aniskina. 1976. Color offset on coated paper, frame dent. Size 9x8 cm. Circulation 500 thousand copies. Location: From a private collection.
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The postal unit "Victory of Soviet athletes at the XII Winter Olympic Games in Innsbruck" went into circulation in March 1976. The nominal value is 50 kopecks. Image - similar to the post block from the series "XII Winter Olympic Games in Innsbruck (Austria), 4-15 / II" (February 1976). Red overprinting of a new text in an offset manner. The text of the overprint: "Glory to Soviet sport!" The sportsmen of the USSR won 13 gold, 6 silver, 8 bronze medals! " .
I. Aniskin, Yevgeny Dmitrievich (artist, 1925-) .1. The Olympic Games (12, Innsbruck, the city, Austria, 1976) - Postage stamps. 2. Olympic Games (collection). 3. Postage stamps - the USSR.
BBK 75.4 (3) y9
Source of electronic copy: PB
Place of origin: From private collection
Catalogue object