Letters from Tertiya Ivanovich Filippov, who manages the temporary revision commission of the State Control, writer, KP Pobedono...

Title Letters from Tertiya Ivanovich Filippov, who manages the temporary revision commission of the State Control, writer, KP Pobedonostsev, transmitting a letter to Antony, [archbishop of Kazan and Sviyazhsky], and about polemics with the latter; about the letters of the "Athonite monk" Michael and his activities in the [Kazan] diocese; about the article [the priest of the Church of the same faith (Chernigov province)] [T. A.] Verkhovsky, placed in the "Citizen"; with a request to meet with the author of articles in the "Church Gazette" by the church historian IE Troitsky; about the visit
Series Personal materials of Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev
Fonds Pobedonostsev Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907)
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