The testimony of the prophesied before in the words of the Bodhis and long ago manifested itself in the world of the Great Antic...

  Theophanes  (Prokopovich, Eleazar, Archbishop, 1681-1736).    
The testimony of the prophesied before in the words of the bishops and long ago manifested itself in the world of the Great Antichrist through his charaktirs, in the Holy Scripture offered, and according to his appearance from many past years known, and now clearly visible on not [m], for the benefit of direct truth to the searchers and the rescuer of his salvation and to rebuke the rebellion, the world in our fatherland, our maliciously tormenting, and equal to its insanity of lawlessness, to show in the B [o] shamelessly sovereign Christos of the Gospels to show vainly to those who wish to Antichrist: [manuscript]. - Electron. text dan. (166 files: 54.7 MB). - (Petrozavodsk: National Library of the Republic of Karelia, 2008). - 166 files (81 h.): Color. -
An electronic copy of the original kept in the collections of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia: The testimony of the prophesied before in the words of B [o] zhih and has long been manifested in the world of the Great Antichrist through the charaktirs of him, in the Holy Scripture offered, and by his appearance from many who have passed away years of recognition, and now clearly visible on not [m], for the benefit of direct truth to the seekers and the champion of his salvation and for rebuking the rebel, the world in our homeland is angrily tormenting and equal to its insanity of lawlessness in the B [o] osp] d show them vainly wishing Antichrist: [manuscript]. [Arkhangelsk: 1812]. 81 liters. 4 ° (21.7 x 17.2). Binding: covers are made of sheets of paper covered with paper, glued together and pasted over colored paper. Corners and a spine leather. A civil letter of two handwriting. Inv. № 36551 р. The electronic version of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia is available on the website. Access mode:
Content: l. 1. The title: "The testimony of the prophesied before in the words of the bodhis and long ago manifested itself in the world of the Great Antichrist through its charaktirs, in the sacred scripture offered, and by its appearance from many past years known, and now clearly visible on it, on the benefit of direct truth to the seekers and the champion of his salvation and the rebuke of rebellion, the world in our homeland angrily tormenting and equal to its insanity of lawlessness, in the bogus gospel of the Lords of Christ, to show vainly to those who wish to Antichrist. " Beginning: "The case of this testimony is made in the offering of haraktirs, or inscriptions, signs and spots of the Antichrist ..."; l. 2. "Part 1. Description without the name of the Antichrist of the Great for its noblest haraktirs, or spots, which he means in the sacred writings. Chapter 1. Did God know the known Antichrist charaktirs? where the first character of the Antichrist is shown. " Beginning: "The God-loving God, between his innumerable benevolence to the human sign, this two most important benefactions has shown ..."; l. 18. "Chapter 2. The second Antichrist is charactir, that he is not one-sided, but hereditary has." Beginning: "Many Antichrist champions, compelling, as it were possible to hide it, are scrutinized from the Holy Scripture ..."; l. 26 vol. "Chapter 3. The third Antichrist haraktir - a multi-year". The beginning: "1. John the secret-believer in his Apocalypse writes that he is a beast to the beast ... "; l. 34 vol. "Chapter 4. The fourth Antichrist haraktir - charm." Beginning: "For the Jews of our Lord, who did not know the Lord, they called the Lord a staircase ..."; l. 40 vol. "Chapter Five. The fifth Antichrist haraktir is a torment. " The beginning: "1. Extreme suffering is in the torture of the soul, or conscience, and in the torture of the body ... "; l. 43 vol. "Chapter 6. The Sixth Antichrist haraktir - unprimed and unheard of pride." The beginning: "The Charaktirs of the Antichrist, which we have shown before, and for this we shall show, are the essence ..."; l. 77. "Chapter 7. The seventh haraktir Antichrist - the spiritual or ecclesiastical rank of it." The Beginning (on verse 77): "Who would have hoped that the Antichrist should be of a spiritual or ecclesiastical rank ...?"
Manuscript of 1812. Type of letter: a civil letter. - The materials of the site of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia are used. For a complete description, see "Manuscript Books" ( .
1. Antichrist - the Orthodox concept. 2. National Library of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk, city) - Collection of manuscripts. 3. The people (the collection). 4. Russian language (collection). 5. Orthodox theology - Russia. 6. Russian manuscripts - 19th century ..
ББК 86.372ю19я01
Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Karelia
Location on the secret of the original: НБ Респ. Karelia
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