Portrait of Sergei Nikolaevich Lansky (1774-1814)

  Dow, George  (English artist, 1781-1829).    
Portrait of Sergei Nikolaevich Lansky (1774-1814) [Izomaterial]. - Electron. Dan. (256 KB). - (St. Petersburg: The State Hermitage, 2003). - 1 file: color. - Portrait. Canvas, oil. 70.0х62.5 cm. Not later than 1825 - Electronic reproduction of a painting from the Military Gallery of the 1812 State Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Photographers: NN Antonova, Yu. A. Molodkovets, IE Regentova. - The portrait of the belt, the turn of the face 1/3 to the left, in a military uniform, against the background of the landscape. - The image was provided by the State Hermitage (St. Petersburg) for the collections "The Patriotic War of 1812" and "Russia in Faces", without the right to publish in other publications, both print and electronic .
1. Lanskoy, Sergei Nikolaevich (1774 - 1814) - Portraits. 2. The State Hermitage. Military Gallery of 1812 (St. Petersburg, city) - Exhibits. 3. Dow, George (1781 - 1829). Portraits. 4. Patriotic War of 1812 (collection). 5. Russia in the faces (collection). 6. Portrait painting.
ББК 63.3 (2) 521.1-686я61
In 1812, Major-General, Chief of the Belarusian Hussar Regiment, commanded a separate detachment of the 3rd Western Army, distinguished himself on September 17 in the case of Lyuboml, participated in the battle on the Berezin River, then was appointed Chief of the Cavalry in the corps of General F. F. Wincingerode. - Biography of SN Lansky, see: The Big Biographical Encyclopedia, the article "Lanskoy, Sergei Nikolaevich" ; Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia, article" Lanskoy, Sergey Nikolaevich ". - Materials of the Internet project "1812", section "The Military Gallery of the Winter Palace" (prepared for publication by Podmazo AA, 2003) (http://www.museum.ru/museum/1812/Persons/VGZD/index. html).
Electronic copy source: The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Location of original material: The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg
Catalogue object