Legal statistics

Legal statistics: a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in specialty 030501 "Jurisprudence", for cadets and listeners of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia / [V. N. Demidov, OE Zgadzai, S. Ya. Kazantsev, etc.]; Ed. S. Ya. Kazantsev, S. Ya. Lebedev, S. M. Inshakov. - 2nd ed. and additional. - Moscow: UNITY-DANA: Law and Law, 2012. - 271 p. : ill., Table. ; 22 cm. -
The authors are listed on the back of the title page.
Bibliography: p. 230 - 231. - ISBN 978-5-238-02255-0 (per second) .
I. Demidov, Viktor Nikolaevich (Candidate of Law, 1961-). II. Inshakov, Sergey Mikhailovich. III. Eriashvili, Nodari Darchoevich (Doctor of Economic Sciences). IV. Kazantsev, Sergey Yakovlevich. V. Lebedev, Semen Yakovlevich (Doctor of Legal Sciences) .1. Right (collection). 2. Legal statistics - Textbooks for higher educational institutions.
ББК 67.54я73
Source of the electronic copy: National Library Resource
ISBN 978-5-238-02255-0
Publisher ЮНИТИ-ДАНА Закон и право
Catalogue object

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