A practical guide to measuring land and drawing up land surveying plans, adapted to work on the allotment of peasants emanating ...

  Dmitriev, Ilya Dmitrievich      
Practical guidance to the measurement of land and the drawing up of land plans, adapted to work on the allotment of peasants who left serfdom / sost. boundary engineer. cap. I. Dmitriev 1. - St. Petersburg: Association "Public benefit", 1862. - [4], IV, 105 pp., [22] f. heck. ; 22. - ((In trans.)) .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Peasant Reform of 1861 (collection). 3. Surveying - Russia - 2nd floor. 19 in .. 4. Peasant Reform - Implementation - Russia - 1861.
BBC 63.3 (2) 522-06
BBK 63.3 (2) 522-282.2
Source of electronic copy: Omsk GONB
Location on

Omskaya GONB
Publisher Товарищество "Общественная польза"
Catalogue object