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The Presidential Library took part in the 5th All-Russian Forum "Electronic Government - a Modern Mechanism for Managing the Region": [photo essay] / Phil. FGBU "President of the BN Yeltsin B" in Tyumen. reg. - Tyumen: Branch of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library in the Tyumen Region, November 27-28, 2012. - 20 ph. : color. - Full text of the news is available on the portal of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library ( November 27-28, 2012 The Presidential Library named after B N. Yeltsin representatives of the Tyumen branch took part in the V All-Russian forum "Electronic government - a modern mechanism for the management of the region." In addition, at the specialized exhibition "Information Technologies of the Tyumen Region" (INFOTECH-2012), a stand was presented with information about the activities of the Presidential Library and its Tyumen branch, opportunities and prospects. Among the visitors of the stand there were participants and guests of the exhibition, employees of the education system of the Tyumen region, employees of the library systems of municipalities in the south of the Tyumen region, students of higher educational institutions of the Urals Federal District, and representatives of the mass media. The participation of the Presidential Library in such a representative forum made it possible to get acquainted with the best practices in the field of applying the latest technologies in public life, discuss the possibilities of innovative projects and interaction in disseminating the most promising areas in the field of information technology. Following the results of participation in the exhibition INFOTECH-2012, the Presidential Library became the winner and received the diploma "For the most informative stand"
I. "Electronic government - a modern mechanism for the management of the region", All-Russian Forum (5, Tyumen, 2012). II. Presidential Library. B. N. Yeltsin (St. Petersburg). Branch in the Tyumen region.
1. Presidential Library. B. N. Yeltsin (St. Petersburg, city). Branch in the Tyumen region - Activities - Photographs. 2. "Electronic government - a modern mechanism for the management of the region," the all-Russian forum (5, Tyumen, city, 2012) - Photographs. 3. "Information technologies of the Tyumen region", a specialized exhibition (Tyumen, city, 2012) - Photographs. |
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Source of electronic copy: Tyumen OMB Location on the original: Тюменская ОНБ