The problem of childhood in the system of Russian social policy

Mehrishvili, Lamara Lengizovna (doctor of sociological sciences).    
The problem of childhood in the system of Russian social policy: a thesis for a doctoral degree in sociology: specialty 23.00.02 : protected 28.05.2007 / Mekhrishvili Lamara Lengizovna; State educational institution of higher professional education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University". - Tyumen, 2007. - 366 with. : table, graph. -
List of references: p. 345-366 and in footnotes .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies. 4. Children - Social protection - The Russian Federation - Theses.
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ББК 66.3 (2Рос), 41я031
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