Shlyk, Ekaterina Viktorovna
Problems of inclusion of the Far East region of Russia in subregional integration processes within the framework of APEC: the dissertation ... A Cand.Econ.Sci .: 08.00.14 / Shlyk Ekaterina Viktorovna; Finance. acad. under the Government of the Russian Federation. Federation. - Moscow, 2004. - 154 p. : ill. - Bibliography: p. 130-140
1. "Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation", the forum - Theses. 2. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. Territory of Russia (collection). 5. World economy. 6. Russian Federation - Economic Relations - Far East - Asia-Pacific countries - Theses. 7. Asia-Pacific countries - Economic relations - Russian Federation - Far East - Theses. |
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