Title The project of the facade of the buildings of the Holy Synod and the Governing Senate. Architect K. Rossi Series Maps, plans and drawings of the St. Petersburg Senate Archive for 1732-1917. Fonds Maps, plans and drawings of the St. Petersburg Senate Archive (collection) Contents В деле содержится 1 документ: план фасада зданий Святейшего Синода и Правительствующего Сената. Масштаб: в одной сажени 20 аршин Display format Full description RUSMARC Collections State Authority → History of the state authority in Russia → State authority in Russia in 9th – early 20th cc. → State authority in the 18th - early 20th cc. → Superior and central bodies of state power and government → The Most Holy Synod → Most Holy Governing Synod in the history of Russian statehood → The Locations of the Most Holy Synod → General section → The Senate and the Synod buildings Territory of Russia → Maps and plans → Plans of settlements → Санкт-Петербург [Санкт-Петербургская губерния] The Holy Synod: Marking the 10th Anniversary of the First Meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Historic Building of Synod Saint-Petersburg → Saint-Petersburg: pages of history → Authority → Cartographic materials